Cinema Premieres in august 1912

Current cinema premieres in august 1912, like A Life for a Kiss, The Lord and the Peasant, The Detective's Conscience, The Fatherhood of Buck McGee and The Tourists.

Premiered thursday August 1, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 1, 1912: A Life for a Kiss.

A Life for a Kiss

A Life for a Kiss
Premiere August 1, 1912

Premiered friday August 2, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 2, 1912: The Lord and the Peasant.

The Lord and the Peasant

The Lord and the Peasant
Premiere August 2, 1912

Premiered saturday August 3, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 3, 1912: The Detective's Conscience and The Fatherhood of Buck McGee.

The Detective's Conscience

The Detective's Conscience
Premiere August 3, 1912

The Fatherhood of Buck McGee

The Fatherhood of Buck McGee
Premiere August 3, 1912

Premiered sunday August 4, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 4, 1912: The Tourists and What the Doctor Ordered.

The Tourists

The Tourists
Premiere August 4, 1912

What the Doctor Ordered

What the Doctor Ordered
Premiere August 4, 1912

Premiered monday August 5, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 5, 1912: A Prize Package.

A Prize Package

A Prize Package
Premiere August 5, 1912

Premiered wednesday August 7, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 7, 1912: Buster in Nodland, The Girl at the Cupola and The Little Rangers.

Buster in Nodland

Buster in Nodland
Premiere August 7, 1912

The Girl at the Cupola

The Girl at the Cupola
Premiere August 7, 1912

The Little Rangers

The Little Rangers
Premiere August 7, 1912

Premiered thursday August 8, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 8, 1912: The Troubadour's Triumph.

The Troubadour's Triumph

The Troubadour's Triumph
Premiere August 8, 1912

Premiered friday August 9, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 9, 1912: Suing Susan, The Mill Buyers and Wanted... a Grandmother.

Suing Susan

Suing Susan
Premiere August 9, 1912

The Mill Buyers

The Mill Buyers
Premiere August 9, 1912

Wanted... a Grandmother

Wanted... a Grandmother
Premiere August 9, 1912

Premiered monday August 12, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 12, 1912: Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up, The Inner Circle and The Wreck of the Vega.

Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up

Broncho Billy's Last Hold-Up
Premiere August 12, 1912

The Inner Circle

The Inner Circle
Premiere August 12, 1912

The Wreck of the Vega

The Wreck of the Vega
Premiere August 12, 1912

Premiered tuesday August 13, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 13, 1912: Now Watch the Professor and The Heart of Esmeralda.

Now Watch the Professor

Now Watch the Professor
Premiere August 13, 1912

The Heart of Esmeralda

The Heart of Esmeralda
Premiere August 13, 1912

Premiered wednesday August 14, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 14, 1912: An Interrupted Elopement, The Tragedy of a Dress Suit and Vultures and Doves.

An Interrupted Elopement

An Interrupted Elopement
Premiere August 14, 1912

The Tragedy of a Dress Suit

The Tragedy of a Dress Suit
Premiere August 14, 1912

Vultures and Doves

Vultures and Doves
Premiere August 14, 1912

Premiered friday August 16, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 16, 1912: The Chance Shot and The Deputy's Peril.

The Chance Shot

The Chance Shot
Premiere August 16, 1912

The Deputy's Peril

The Deputy's Peril
Premiere August 16, 1912

Premiered saturday August 17, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 17, 1912: The Two Battles.

The Two Battles

The Two Battles
Premiere August 17, 1912

Premiered sunday August 18, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 18, 1912: Thus Many Souls.

Thus Many Souls

Thus Many Souls
Premiere August 18, 1912

Premiered monday August 19, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 19, 1912: Her Grandchild, When the Heart Calls and With the Enemy's Help.

Her Grandchild

Her Grandchild
Premiere August 19, 1912

When the Heart Calls

When the Heart Calls
Premiere August 19, 1912

With the Enemy's Help

With the Enemy's Help
Premiere August 19, 1912

Premiered tuesday August 20, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 20, 1912: The Lovesick Maidens of Cuddleton.

The Lovesick Maidens of Cuddleton

The Lovesick Maidens of Cuddleton
Premiere August 20, 1912

Premiered wednesday August 21, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 21, 1912: Jealousy on the Ranch and The Bandit of Point Loma.

Jealousy on the Ranch

Jealousy on the Ranch
Premiere August 21, 1912

The Bandit of Point Loma

The Bandit of Point Loma
Premiere August 21, 1912

Premiered thursday August 22, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 22, 1912: Betty Fools Dear Old Dad.

Betty Fools Dear Old Dad

Betty Fools Dear Old Dad
Premiere August 22, 1912

Premiered friday August 23, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 23, 1912: A Stubborn Cupid, Her Cousin Fred and Saving an Audience.

A Stubborn Cupid

A Stubborn Cupid
Premiere August 23, 1912

Her Cousin Fred

Her Cousin Fred
Premiere August 23, 1912

Saving an Audience

Saving an Audience
Premiere August 23, 1912

Premiered saturday August 24, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 24, 1912: The $2500 Bride and The Party Dress.

The $2500 Bride

The $2500 Bride
Premiere August 24, 1912

The Party Dress

The Party Dress
Premiere August 24, 1912

Premiered sunday August 25, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 25, 1912: The Leader of the Band.

The Leader of the Band

The Leader of the Band
Premiere August 25, 1912

Premiered monday August 26, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 26, 1912: Making Good and Mr. Grouch at the Seashore.

Making Good

Making Good
Premiere August 26, 1912

Mr. Grouch at the Seashore

Mr. Grouch at the Seashore
Premiere August 26, 1912

Premiered tuesday August 27, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 27, 1912: Alkali Ike Plays the Devil.

Alkali Ike Plays the Devil

Alkali Ike Plays the Devil
Premiere August 27, 1912

Premiered wednesday August 28, 1912

Two movies that premieres on August 28, 1912: A Japanese Idyll and The Secret Service Man.

A Japanese Idyll

A Japanese Idyll
Premiere August 28, 1912

The Secret Service Man

The Secret Service Man
Premiere August 28, 1912

Premiered thursday August 29, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 29, 1912: A Pueblo Legend.

A Pueblo Legend

A Pueblo Legend
Premiere August 29, 1912

Premiered friday August 30, 1912

Three movies that premieres on August 30, 1912: Playing Trumps, The Old Musician and Written in the Sand.

Playing Trumps

Playing Trumps
Premiere August 30, 1912

The Old Musician

The Old Musician
Premiere August 30, 1912

Written in the Sand

Written in the Sand
Premiere August 30, 1912

Premiered saturday August 31, 1912

One movies that premieres on August 31, 1912: Broncho Billy for Sheriff.

Broncho Billy for Sheriff

Broncho Billy for Sheriff
Premiere August 31, 1912