Current cinema premieres in april 1909, like A Drunkard's Reformation, Trying to Get Arrested, The Road to the Heart, A Tale of the West and The Kiss of Judas.
Premiered thursday April 1, 1909
One movies that premieres on April 1, 1909: A Drunkard's Reformation.
A Drunkard's Reformation
Premiere April 1, 1909
Premiered sunday April 4, 1909
One movies that premieres on April 4, 1909: Trying to Get Arrested.
Trying to Get Arrested
Premiere April 4, 1909
Premiered monday April 5, 1909
One movies that premieres on April 5, 1909: The Road to the Heart.
The Road to the Heart
Premiere April 5, 1909
Premiered wednesday April 7, 1909
Two movies that premieres on April 7, 1909: A Tale of the West and The Kiss of Judas.
A Tale of the West
Premiere April 7, 1909
The Kiss of Judas
Premiere April 7, 1909
Premiered thursday April 8, 1909
Two movies that premieres on April 8, 1909: A Rude Hostess and Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade.
A Rude Hostess
Premiere April 8, 1909
Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade
Premiere April 8, 1909
Premiered monday April 12, 1909
One movies that premieres on April 12, 1909: The Winning Coat.
The Winning Coat
Premiere April 12, 1909
Premiered monday April 19, 1909
Two movies that premieres on April 19, 1909: A Troublesome Satchel and Lady Helen's Escapade.
A Troublesome Satchel
Premiere April 19, 1909
Lady Helen's Escapade
Premiere April 19, 1909
Premiered thursday April 22, 1909
One movies that premieres on April 22, 1909: The Drive for a Life.
The Drive for a Life
Premiere April 22, 1909
Premiered sunday April 25, 1909
Two movies that premieres on April 25, 1909: Lucky Jim and Twin Brothers.
Lucky Jim
Premiere April 25, 1909
Twin Brothers
Premiere April 25, 1909
Premiered thursday April 29, 1909
One movies that premieres on April 29, 1909: Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good.
Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good
Premiere April 29, 1909