Current cinema premieres in april 1899, like Morning Colors on U.S. Cruiser 'Raleigh', Pilot Boats in New York Harbor, Dewey Parade, 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers, Little Willie in Mischief Again and Stealing a Dinner.
Premiered thursday April 20, 1899
Two movies that premieres on April 20, 1899: Morning Colors on U.S. Cruiser 'Raleigh' and Pilot Boats in New York Harbor.
Morning Colors on U.S. Cruiser 'Raleigh'
Premiere April 20, 1899
Pilot Boats in New York Harbor
Premiere April 20, 1899
Premiered tuesday April 25, 1899
One movies that premieres on April 25, 1899: Dewey Parade, 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Dewey Parade, 10th Pennsylvania Volunteers
Premiere April 25, 1899
Premiered wednesday April 26, 1899
One movies that premieres on April 26, 1899: Little Willie in Mischief Again.
Little Willie in Mischief Again
Premiere April 26, 1899
Premiered sunday April 30, 1899
One movies that premieres on April 30, 1899: Stealing a Dinner.
Stealing a Dinner
Premiere April 30, 1899