All cinema premieres 1904

Current cinema premieres in 1904, like Mistake in the Door, Physical Culture Poses: No. 1, San Francisco Chinese Funeral, The Cook in Trouble and The Story the Biograph Told.

Cinema Premieres in january 1904

Premiered friday January 1, 1904

Five movies that premieres on January 1, 1904: Mistake in the Door, Physical Culture Poses: No. 1, San Francisco Chinese Funeral, The Cook in Trouble and The Story the Biograph Told.

Mistake in the Door

Mistake in the Door
Premiere January 1, 1904

Physical Culture Poses: No. 1

Physical Culture Poses: No. 1
Premiere January 1, 1904

San Francisco Chinese Funeral

San Francisco Chinese Funeral
Premiere January 1, 1904

The Cook in Trouble

The Cook in Trouble
Premiere January 1, 1904

The Story the Biograph Told

The Story the Biograph Told
Premiere January 1, 1904

Premiered saturday January 2, 1904

One movies that premieres on January 2, 1904: The Widow and the Only Man.

The Widow and the Only Man

The Widow and the Only Man
Premiere January 2, 1904

Premiered saturday January 16, 1904

One movies that premieres on January 16, 1904: Male and Female Prize Winners at the Physical Culture Show, Madison Square Garden, Jan 2, 1904.

Premiered tuesday January 19, 1904

One movies that premieres on January 19, 1904: Troubles of a Manager of a Burlesque Show.

Premiered friday January 22, 1904

Two movies that premieres on January 22, 1904: A Railway Tragedy and Duel Scene, 'By Right of Sword'.

A Railway Tragedy

A Railway Tragedy
Premiere January 22, 1904

Duel Scene, 'By Right of Sword'

Duel Scene, 'By Right of Sword'
Premiere January 22, 1904

Cinema Premieres in february 1904

Premiered monday February 1, 1904

One movies that premieres on February 1, 1904: Opening the Williamsburg Bridge.

Opening the Williamsburg Bridge

Opening the Williamsburg Bridge
Premiere February 1, 1904

Premiered friday February 5, 1904

One movies that premieres on February 5, 1904: The Untamable Whiskers.

The Untamable Whiskers

The Untamable Whiskers
Premiere February 5, 1904

Premiered tuesday February 9, 1904

One movies that premieres on February 9, 1904: Photographing a Female Crook.

Photographing a Female Crook

Photographing a Female Crook
Premiere February 9, 1904

Premiered friday February 12, 1904

One movies that premieres on February 12, 1904: Animated Painting.

Animated Painting

Animated Painting
Premiere February 12, 1904

Premiered saturday February 13, 1904

Two movies that premieres on February 13, 1904: A Wager Between Two Magicians, or, Jealous of Myself and Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter.

Premiered monday February 22, 1904

One movies that premieres on February 22, 1904: Pity the Blind, No. 2.

Pity the Blind, No. 2

Pity the Blind, No. 2
Premiere February 22, 1904

Cinema Premieres in march 1904

Premiered tuesday March 1, 1904

One movies that premieres on March 1, 1904: A Fire in a Burlesque Theatre.

A Fire in a Burlesque Theatre

A Fire in a Burlesque Theatre
Premiere March 1, 1904

Premiered tuesday March 22, 1904

One movies that premieres on March 22, 1904: Pranks of Buster Brown and His Dog Tige.

Premiered saturday March 26, 1904

Two movies that premieres on March 26, 1904: A Miracle Under the Inquisition and The Imperceptible Transmutations.

A Miracle Under the Inquisition

A Miracle Under the Inquisition
Premiere March 26, 1904

The Imperceptible Transmutations

The Imperceptible Transmutations
Premiere March 26, 1904

Cinema Premieres in april 1904

Premiered friday April 1, 1904

Three movies that premieres on April 1, 1904: Coil Winding Machines, Girls Winding Armatures and Welding the Big Ring.

Coil Winding Machines

Coil Winding Machines
Premiere April 1, 1904

Girls Winding Armatures

Girls Winding Armatures
Premiere April 1, 1904

Welding the Big Ring

Welding the Big Ring
Premiere April 1, 1904

Premiered thursday April 7, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 7, 1904: A Nigger in the Woodpile.

A Nigger in the Woodpile

A Nigger in the Woodpile
Premiere April 7, 1904

Premiered friday April 8, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 8, 1904: Tracked by Bloodhounds; or, A Lynching at Cripple Creek.

Premiered friday April 15, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 15, 1904: Steam Whistle.

Steam Whistle

Steam Whistle
Premiere April 15, 1904

Premiered wednesday April 20, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 20, 1904: Skirmish Between Russian and Japanese Advance Guards.

Premiered friday April 22, 1904

Four movies that premieres on April 22, 1904: A Swimming Race at Coney Island, Orphan Children on the Beach at Coney Island, The Swimming Class and The Waif; or, Out in the Street.

A Swimming Race at Coney Island

A Swimming Race at Coney Island
Premiere April 22, 1904

The Swimming Class

The Swimming Class
Premiere April 22, 1904

The Waif; or, Out in the Street

The Waif; or, Out in the Street
Premiere April 22, 1904

Premiered saturday April 23, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 23, 1904: Child Stealing.

Child Stealing

Child Stealing
Premiere April 23, 1904

Premiered monday April 25, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 25, 1904: The Coney Island Beach Patrol.

The Coney Island Beach Patrol

The Coney Island Beach Patrol
Premiere April 25, 1904

Premiered friday April 29, 1904

One movies that premieres on April 29, 1904: Parade of Floats, St. Louis Exposition.

Premiered saturday April 30, 1904

Two movies that premieres on April 30, 1904: A Couple of Lightweights at Coney Island and Girls Taking Time Checks, Westinghouse Works.

Cinema Premieres in may 1904

Premiered sunday May 1, 1904

14 movies that premieres on May 1, 1904: A Brush Between Cowboys and Indians, Annual Parade, New York Fire Department, Casting a Guide Box, Driving Cattle to Pasture, Lathrop School, Calisthenics, Missouri Commission, Panorama of Machine Co. Aisle, Westinghouse Works, Steam Hammer, Taping Coils, Tapping a Furnace, Testing a Rotary, Testing Large Turbines, Westinghouse Co. Works, Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Westinghouse Air Brake Co. (Casting Scene) and Westinghouse Air Brake Co. (Moulding Scene).

Casting a Guide Box

Casting a Guide Box
Premiere May 1, 1904

Driving Cattle to Pasture

Driving Cattle to Pasture
Premiere May 1, 1904

Steam Hammer

Steam Hammer
Premiere May 1, 1904

Taping Coils

Taping Coils
Premiere May 1, 1904

Tapping a Furnace

Tapping a Furnace
Premiere May 1, 1904

Testing a Rotary

Testing a Rotary
Premiere May 1, 1904

Westinghouse Air Brake Co.

Westinghouse Air Brake Co.
Premiere May 1, 1904

Premiered tuesday May 3, 1904

One movies that premieres on May 3, 1904: Hyde Park School Room 2, Missouri Commission.

Premiered monday May 9, 1904

One movies that premieres on May 9, 1904: Assembling a Generator.

Assembling a Generator

Assembling a Generator
Premiere May 9, 1904

Premiered wednesday May 11, 1904

Two movies that premieres on May 11, 1904: Assembling and Testing Turbines and Dog Factory.

Assembling and Testing Turbines

Assembling and Testing Turbines
Premiere May 11, 1904

Dog Factory

Dog Factory
Premiere May 11, 1904

Premiered saturday May 14, 1904

Two movies that premieres on May 14, 1904: Automobile Race for the Vanderbilt Cup and Panorama Exterior Westinghouse Works.

Premiered sunday May 22, 1904

Three movies that premieres on May 22, 1904: Mr. Jack in the Dressing Room, Panorama Motor Room, Westinghouse Works and Rector's to Claremont.

Mr. Jack in the Dressing Room

Mr. Jack in the Dressing Room
Premiere May 22, 1904

Rector's to Claremont

Rector's to Claremont
Premiere May 22, 1904

Premiered tuesday May 24, 1904

One movies that premieres on May 24, 1904: Maniac Chase.

Maniac Chase

Maniac Chase
Premiere May 24, 1904

Cinema Premieres in june 1904

Premiered wednesday June 1, 1904

One movies that premieres on June 1, 1904: Auto Boat Race on the Hudson.

Auto Boat Race on the Hudson

Auto Boat Race on the Hudson
Premiere June 1, 1904

Premiered friday June 3, 1904

One movies that premieres on June 3, 1904: Princess Rajah Dance with Chair, St. Louis Exposition.

Premiered saturday June 18, 1904

One movies that premieres on June 18, 1904: A Butterfly's Changes.

A Butterfly's Changes

A Butterfly's Changes
Premiere June 18, 1904

Premiered sunday June 19, 1904

One movies that premieres on June 19, 1904: Elephants Shooting the Chutes at Luna Park.

Premiered monday June 20, 1904

One movies that premieres on June 20, 1904: The Slocum Disaster.

The Slocum Disaster

The Slocum Disaster
Premiere June 20, 1904

Cinema Premieres in july 1904

Premiered friday July 1, 1904

One movies that premieres on July 1, 1904: Canoeing on the Charles River, Boston, Mass..

Premiered monday July 25, 1904

One movies that premieres on July 25, 1904: Boxing Horses Luna Park, Coney Island.

Cinema Premieres in august 1904

Premiered monday August 1, 1904

Two movies that premieres on August 1, 1904: Automobiling Among the Clouds and Fighting the Flames, Dreamland.

Automobiling Among the Clouds

Automobiling Among the Clouds
Premiere August 1, 1904

Fighting the Flames, Dreamland

Fighting the Flames, Dreamland
Premiere August 1, 1904

Premiered sunday August 14, 1904

One movies that premieres on August 14, 1904: A Cake Walk on the Beach at Coney Island.

Premiered friday August 26, 1904

One movies that premieres on August 26, 1904: How a French Nobleman Got a Wife Through the 'New York Herald' Personal Columns.

Cinema Premieres in september 1904

Premiered thursday September 1, 1904

One movies that premieres on September 1, 1904: European Rest Cure.

European Rest Cure

European Rest Cure
Premiere September 1, 1904

Premiered saturday September 3, 1904

Two movies that premieres on September 3, 1904: The Devil's Seven Castles and The Fairy of the Spring.

The Devil's Seven Castles

The Devil's Seven Castles
Premiere September 3, 1904

The Fairy of the Spring

The Fairy of the Spring
Premiere September 3, 1904

Premiered wednesday September 21, 1904

One movies that premieres on September 21, 1904: The Bold Bank Robbery.

The Bold Bank Robbery

The Bold Bank Robbery
Premiere September 21, 1904

Premiered thursday September 22, 1904

One movies that premieres on September 22, 1904: The Hero of Liao-Yang.

The Hero of Liao-Yang

The Hero of Liao-Yang
Premiere September 22, 1904

Premiered thursday September 29, 1904

One movies that premieres on September 29, 1904: Drama in the Air.

Drama in the Air

Drama in the Air
Premiere September 29, 1904

Premiered friday September 30, 1904

Two movies that premieres on September 30, 1904: Park in Barcelona and Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride.

Park in Barcelona

Park in Barcelona
Premiere September 30, 1904

Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride

Nervy Nat Kisses the Bride
Premiere September 30, 1904

Cinema Premieres in october 1904

Premiered thursday October 27, 1904

One movies that premieres on October 27, 1904: Opening Ceremonies, New York Subway, October 27, 1904.

Premiered sunday October 30, 1904

One movies that premieres on October 30, 1904: Impossible to Get a Plunge.

Impossible to Get a Plunge

Impossible to Get a Plunge
Premiere October 30, 1904

Cinema Premieres in november 1904

Premiered tuesday November 1, 1904

Six movies that premieres on November 1, 1904: Coil Winding Section E, Herding Horses Across a River, Judge Alton B. Parker & Mayor McClellan at Esopus, Kindergarten Ball Game, Labor Day Parade and A New Version of 'Personal'.

Coil Winding Section E

Coil Winding Section E
Premiere November 1, 1904

Herding Horses Across a River

Herding Horses Across a River
Premiere November 1, 1904

Kindergarten Ball Game

Kindergarten Ball Game
Premiere November 1, 1904

Labor Day Parade

Labor Day Parade
Premiere November 1, 1904

A New Version of 'Personal'

A New Version of 'Personal'
Premiere November 1, 1904

Premiered saturday November 12, 1904

Two movies that premieres on November 12, 1904: A Railroad Smash-up and The Suburbanite.

A Railroad Smash-up

A Railroad Smash-up
Premiere November 12, 1904

The Suburbanite

The Suburbanite
Premiere November 12, 1904

Premiered thursday November 17, 1904

Three movies that premieres on November 17, 1904: Parade of Mystic Shriners, Luna Park, Coney Island, Parade of the Women Delegates, World's Fair and President Roosevelt's Homecoming.

Premiered tuesday November 22, 1904

One movies that premieres on November 22, 1904: A Rube Couple at a County Fair.

A Rube Couple at a County Fair

A Rube Couple at a County Fair
Premiere November 22, 1904

Cinema Premieres in december 1904

Premiered thursday December 1, 1904

One movies that premieres on December 1, 1904: An Interesting Story.

An Interesting Story

An Interesting Story
Premiere December 1, 1904

Premiered friday December 9, 1904

One movies that premieres on December 9, 1904: Scarecrow Pump.

Scarecrow Pump

Scarecrow Pump
Premiere December 9, 1904

Premiered tuesday December 13, 1904

One movies that premieres on December 13, 1904: Startling Pursuit.

Startling Pursuit

Startling Pursuit
Premiere December 13, 1904

Premiered sunday December 18, 1904

One movies that premieres on December 18, 1904: Children in the Surf at Coney Island.

Children in the Surf at Coney Island

Children in the Surf at Coney Island
Premiere December 18, 1904

Premiered monday December 19, 1904

One movies that premieres on December 19, 1904: The Strenuous Life; or, Anti-Race Suicide.

The Strenuous Life; or, Anti-Race Suicide

The Strenuous Life; or, Anti-Race Suicide
Premiere December 19, 1904

Premiered thursday December 22, 1904

One movies that premieres on December 22, 1904: Mining Operations, Pennsylvania Coal Fields.